Seasonal holidays, specifically winter, are fun to celebrate at home. We can gather with our family, friends, and distant relatives. However, it is important to spend your winter holidays at home healthily and safely. To do so, you need to look after your HVAC system and indoor air quality. Here are some HVAC tips at home.  


Clean Your HVAC Units 

When discussing HVAC system health, the indoor unit and the outdoor unit must be maintained fairly. To check your indoor unit, it is recommended to let the technical professional do the job. You can schedule an HVAC inspection once or twice per year.  

An HVAC technician will clean the vents and outdoor unit, help you with troubleshoot issues and answer any questions related to HVAC systems. Moreover, outdoor obstacles like leaves, branches, rocks, and dirt can affect the HVAC system. Thus, cleaning and maintaining the outdoor unit is as important as the indoor unit too.


Replace Air Filters 

Air filters also play an important role in maintaining HVAC system quality. So, air filters need to be replaced regularly. Dirty air filters circulate polluted air and require your HVAC system to work harder. In addition, cleaning and dusting your house regularly may be effective to increase HVAC system efficiency. Considering that an HVAC system can collect dust and debris rather quickly. 


Winter Decoration Management 

Everyone loves to decorate their house beautifully during the holiday season, but it can also decrease the indoor air quality. We store our seasonal decorations in garages or basements that bring dust and mold. So, we need to dust off the dirt first before installing the decoration to prevent allergies and asthma. Additionally, new decorations with cheap plastics may potentially release VOCs that can contaminate the air.  

Also using pumpkins, gourds and other live decorations that can grow mold can affect air quality. Controlling air quality during winter is very important because polluted air will lead HVAC units to work harder. 

Furthermore, do not place decorations near vents and the outdoor unit because this will disrupt their function and worsen indoor air quality. Also, decorative lights should follow the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s standards regulation to prevent injury and other unnecessary risks. Additionally, living decorations have high risk of growing mold and increasing pollen levels indoors.  

Whatever your type of tree is, it is recommended to care for your holiday tree carefully. Other than that, it is also important to make sure to not place them near vents and heat sources, such as fireplace.



Winter holiday is the most awaited time of the year for us. In order to spend an enjoyable holiday season in winter, it is important to check and maintain your HVAC units quality. 

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